Kevin Fair’s Guest Check Swarm: Aug 7th – Jan 1st.

11863273_10100660882263470_1926922817728595459_nWicker Park artist Kevin Fair uses a canvas that we’ve all seen many times – a mundane office supply that can be found in almost every restaurant – but one that he is able to transform into a one-of-a-kind pen and ink mini-masterpiece. Kevin has mastered the art of the guest check ink pad. The best part? He does it while he works – as a server – at downtown Chicago’s legendary Miller’s Pub.


The familiar green and white stripes recede behind the structured chaos of Kevin’s lines, which blend cross-hatching with psychedelic eyes, faces, landscapes and twisting, checkerboard galaxies. They are little worlds that one can get lost in, and the fact that they come uniquely pre-numbered adds to the whimsey. And under the art is a hand-written food order! M.B. Abrams gallery in Los Angeles has already recognized Kevin’s talent; when the gallerist was in town and dining at Miller’s, Kevin waited on him and sold him four guest checks. Now Kevin is represented in L.A.!

We’re going to put up a whole swarm of these little gems, so come experience them and the rest the Flatiron Arts building Aug 7th,  6 – 10 pm.